The Team

The story of the Company

One observation that has been omnipresent in our various experiences is that IT project development is both a costly and risky investment. We have seen the failure of many projects because the initial need was poorly identified, unforeseen complexities emerged too late, or adoption difficulties were underestimated.

In addition to these difficulties, the success of an IT project depends on the quality and commitment of the personnel responsible for its execution. However, key positions required, such as developers, product owners, or UX designers, are particularly difficult to recruit in a very competitive and tight context. The market is flooded with poorly trained candidates (bootcamps, etc.) and companies struggle to attract qualified profiles, which are much rarer and in higher demand. In this context, candidates are becoming increasingly demanding about their selection criteria, favoring advantageous working conditions as much as the salary.

From all these issues arose the desire to create a company that would address them through two complementary strategies.

A customer support strategy through close collaboration

We want to offer our client companies:

  • An end-to-end support for their project by a seasoned, multidisciplinary, and already operational team.
  • A breakdown of projects according to a methodology validated by our experiences, consisting of incremental study phases before starting any development.

An attractive HR policy

To build these qualified teams, we analyzed the selection criteria and reasons for resignation of experienced profiles. That’s why we address our employees’ expectations by making the following commitments:

  • Inclusive environment.
  • Collegial decision-making.
  • Respect for labor law (this should be obvious, but in practice, there are many abuses…).
  • Fair distribution of the fruits of their labor by directly involving employees in the company's profits.
  • Investment in the personal development of the employee.
  • Transparency.

In light of all these requirements, the SCOP status naturally became obvious to us.

Thanks to its legislative framework, this status allows us to offer solid guarantees regarding the workplace kindness values we wish to promote. It also supports our desire to co-construct a secure and rewarding work environment for our employees, guaranteeing them attentive listening.

What is a SCOP?

A SCOP, or Société Coopérative et Participative (formerly Société Coopérative de Production), is a form of traditional company (SA, SAS, or SARL) enhanced by cooperative status. This status guarantees:

  • A participatory governance: all employees have the opportunity to become members of their company, and each person's vote is equal.
  • A redistribution of the company’s profits directly to its employees, whether they are members or not.

In return for this operating mode, tax benefits are granted.

Our values